
Real Estate


Na vertical de Real Estate, a SPX constituiu uma joint venture de controle compartilhado com a SYN Prop Tech, antiga Cyrela Commercial Properties, para atuar no desenvolvimento e gestão de ativos imobiliários no Brasil.

Investimos em ativos de primeira linha nos mais diversos segmentos imobiliários, em regiões com alta densidade demográfica e renda per capita.

Nosso time é experiente e multidisciplinar e já investiu mais de R$ 20 bilhões em dezenas de transações imobiliárias no mercado brasileiro. Décadas de vivência de mercado construíram duradouras relações com diferentes stakeholders e uma atuação diversa em todos os tipos de ativos (corporativo, residencial e logístico).

Imagem do Vídeo

R$ 1,9B




+ 112 mil m²


Data de Referência 30/09/2024

Fundos e performance

SPX SYN Desenvolvimento I

Real Estate

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SPX Distressed Real Estate Portugal


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FII SPX SYN Multiestratégia


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Latitude Campo Belo

Leaf Loefgren

AYYA Jardins

One Green Way

Centro Logístico Dutra

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Past performance is not necessarily a guide to, and is not a guarantee of, future performance. Any performance figures presented herein are gross of taxes. All investments involve the risk of loss. Investors must note that an investment in any investment fund managed or sponsored by SPX is subject to several material risks. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amounts invested.

Investment fund performance is not guaranteed by any person, including the fund administrator, by the fund managers, or by any capital protection mechanism or the Brazilian Credit Guarantee Fund (Fundo Garantidor De Créditos – FGC).

The funds managed by SPX use derivatives strategies as an integral part of their investment policies. Such strategies, as adopted by the funds, may result in significant losses potentially exceeding the capital invested, obliging investors to deposit additional funds to cover such losses.

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